The Hampton Brothers birthed Twin Factor, their popular half-hour outdoor adventure and travel reality show, described as "Duck Dynasty mixed with Swamp People and a dash of Property Brothers just for garnish." The show, now in its fourth season, originally aired on the Pursuit Channel TV Network on Dish and Directv. In each episode, film crews capture the brothers' humorous tag-team approach as they travel across the country discovering new hunting excursions to engage children from fatherless homes -- while still managing to get into each other’s heads for brotherly competition. "Basically, it's a behind-the-scenes look into our lives and minds as we raise our families and attempt to be 'the factor' in every aspect of our daily lives, including family, business and ministry," Chad and James said, “Everyone is hunting for something in life, we want people to see that hunting God is the only hunt that will give their lives eternal meaning and lasting fulfillment."